What Is Shaping Energy and Natural Resources in 2022?

What Is Shaping Energy and Natural Resources in 2022?

In 2021, the global economy emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as various supply chain disruptions and extreme weather events. However, it suffered from a prolonged energy supply crunch caused by rising power and fuel prices. As 2022 comes to a close, here is...
The Cryptofication of Banks

The Cryptofication of Banks

With cryptocurrency taking the world by storm, it is little surprise to hear that financial institutions such as banks are beginning to respond to this trend. In other words, the cryptofication of banks is officially in full swing. American Banker surveyed one hundred...
Medical Technology and Immortality

Medical Technology and Immortality

We’ve all seen how quickly technology can change industrial, economic, and social landscapes. Even in our lifetime, many of us have witnessed dramatic changes. These changes are exponential, courtesy of the extended lifespans that come with medical innovations. Some...
The Public World of Global Commodity Trading

The Public World of Global Commodity Trading

Companies that specialize in trading, buying, and selling different assets are known as commodity trading firms. In other words, these companies focus on physical inventory and its potential value. Global commodity trading takes this concept to a whole new level,...
Smart Energy Grids Explained

Smart Energy Grids Explained

A smart energy grid is a two-way electrical framework that relies on Big Data Analytics and IoT technologies to enable smart metering of electricity. The advantages of smart grids include a more efficient method of electricity transmission, a quicker containment and...